Lowongan kerja bankPT. BCA Bank Syariah stood up and began conducting business with the principles of Islamic sharia operations after obtaining permission from Bank Indonesia pursuant to Decree No. BI governor. 12/13/KEP.GBI/DpG/2010 dated March 2, 2009 and then officially operate as Islamic banks on Monday, April 5, 2010.
Ownership stake in PT. Bank BCA Sharia is as follows:
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk.: 296,299 shares (99.9997%)
PT BCA Finance: 1 shares (0.0003%).
BCA launched the Sharia to be a pioneer in Indonesia Islamic banking industry as a leading bank in the area of the settlement payment, the collector of funds and financing for customers individual, micro, small and medium enterprises. People wanting banking products and services of quality and supported by the ease of access and speed of transaction is the target of BCA Sharia.
BCA's commitment as a parent company and majority shareholder materialized from a variety of services that can be utilized by the customer BCA branch network of Sharia in the deposit (remittance) to pull in cash and debit and ATM machines across the EDC (Electronic Data Capture) of the BCA, all at no charge. Meanwhile, to obtain information and make complaints, customers can call BCA at 500 888 HALO.
BCA Sharia until now has 24 branches composed of 5 Main Branch, 3 Branch offices and 16 service units spread of Sharia in the region of Jakarta, Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Jakarta and Surabaya (as of October 19, 2011).
The development of Islamic banking is growing quite rapidly in recent years have shown interest in the community about Islamic financial services is increasing. To meet customers' needs for services sharia, then by deed No. Acquisition. 72 dated June 12, 2009 made before Notary Dr. Irawan Soerodjo, SH, Msi,. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) Primary acquired PT Bank International Bank (UIB Bank) which later became PT. Bank BCA Sharia.
Furthermore, based on Deed of Statement of the Meeting of Foreign Limited Liability Company No. PT Bank UIB. 49 made before Notary Pudji Rezeki Irawati, SH, dated December 16, 2009, regarding changes in business activity and changes the name of PT Bank UIB into PT Bank Syariah BCA. Deed of amendment has been approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in his decision letter No.. AHU-01 929. AH.01.02 dated January 14, 2010. On the same date has done a share of sales to BCA Finance, so that the ownership stake of 99.9997% is owned by PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, and 0.00003% is owned by PT BCA Finance.
Changes in the Bank's business activities of conventional banks into Islamic banks was inaugurated by Governor of Bank Indonesia through the BI Governor's Decree No. 12/13/KEP.GBI/DpG/2010 dated March 2, 2010. With the license, on April 5, 2010, the BCA's official Islamic sharia operates as a commercial bank.
VISION PT. BCA Bank Syariah
* Mainstay Become Islamic Banking and Public Choice
MISSION PT. BCA Bank Syariah
* Develop human resources and a reliable infrastructure as a provider of Islamic financial services in order to understand the needs and provide better service for customers.
* Build the Islamic financial institutions that excel in the field of settlement payments, fund raising and financing for individual customers, micro, small and medium enterprises.
In order to realize the Vision and Mission BankBCA Sharia, funding a variety of products, services and pembiyaan have been developed and marketed to the public. For the development of future business that will support the expansion of PT Bank BCA Syariah, we give you the opportunity to meet the required qualifications to fill the position:
Staff Compensation For placement Jakarta Raya
Closing date: December 01, 2011
* powers
1. (a right held by an office in connection with a party or other positions)
2. Reject or approve all facility employees filing
* Duties and Responsibilities
1. (an obligation that must be performed by the incumbent and it becomes the responsibility)
2. Responsible for making the Offering Letter and Letter of Agreement / Contract Agreement
3. Check and complete the new employee data administration
4. Monitor the expiration of the probation contract or permanent employees, so that changes in employee status can run on time.
5. Ensuring the payment of benefits and rights of other employees performing well.
6. Take responsibility for employees' social security registration of employees.
7. Conducting pengecekkan administrative data completeness and eligibility of employees to apply for a loan
8. Preparation of reports amortization payment of employee health insurance
9. Preparation of data report new hires and employees who resign
10. Perform administrative pengecekkan and completeness of documents must be returned to the company before resigning employees
* Male / Female
* Age 23-30 years
* Minimum D3
* Work Experience: As an administrative staff of at least 1 year (Preferred who have experience as a staff HRD)
* Skills required (Soft Skills / Hard Skills):
1. Thorough, honest and tenacious
2. Initiatives
3. Ability to work under deadline demands
4. Able to operate computer Ms.. Office especially Excel
5. Communicative
* Additional Skills:
1. English passive
2. Have the ability to work with numbers
If you are interested, please register on the link Bank BCA Syariah registration applications are available below:
Apply or here